Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hershey Recipe Change....Yes, It's True...Well, Somewhat...

My classmate posted a blog recently on Hershey's recipe change and how it is leading to the decreased market share.  http://luciangmarsinc.blogspot.com/2010/10/fake-chocolate-say-it-isnt-so-hersheys.html  I feel like it is an area I should address in my Hershey blog...and also add a bit of clarification for those who are ready to switch chocolate bars. 

Yes, Hershey has changed their recipe on some of their products.  They have replaced the cocoa butter with vegetable oil in these products.  If you look at the labels, they are pretty easy to spot.  The FDA does not allow a product to be called "chocolate" if it contains any vegetable oil.  So the changed products will say something like "chocolatey coating" or "chocolate-flavored".  However, 85% of their products remain unchanged.  The classic Hershey bar, for instance, is the same recipe that we have grown up on.  Some of the products that have been changed are their smaller sellers, such as Mr.Goodbar, Take5, and Kissables. 

While I'm not sure I agree with the recipe change, I do see where the temptation came in to cut costs.  Because of the high competition in the candy industry, they couldn't raise their prices to pass their increased costs along to consumers.  Some customers have stated they feel betrayed...like Hershey tried to slip the recipe change in under the radar.  Well, they did.  At the same time, I don't remember hearing any ads about how Mars candy bars were going to be shrinking to cut costs.  So who's to say which, if either, was more deceitful?

Some people have stated that the new recipe provides less health benefits because of the removal of cocoa butter.  Well, seriously, most people are not eating chocolate for the health benefits.  The milk chocolate that most people enjoy actually provides little health benefit when you take into account the high amounts of sugar and fat that make it so yummy.  If you are seeking the health benefits, try a spoonful of pure unsweetened cocoa instead.     

Today show video:  http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/26184891/vp/26788318#26788318

Article:  http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2008/09/a_consumer_segment_on_nbcs.html


  1. I can't believe people are throwing a fit over this. Especially, the health reasons! Really, who eats chocolate because it's healthy? It's not!! haha People are going to find something to complain about just because they can!

  2. I wouldn't have changed the recipe if I were Hershey. Two things in life you don't mess with, success and happiness.

  3. I'm a big fan of chocolate and this upsets me... not because of the health but you don't mess with a woman's chocolate!!

  4. Well at least they did not change their popular sellers. Plus I wonder if you can even tell a difference in the taste if you did not know about the change.

  5. It would be interesting to know if customers can really tell they changed the recipe. Were you able to find any survey results or anything of that nature to show if their customer satisfaction ratings will decline?
