Sunday, September 19, 2010

Press Release: Hershey issues first Corporate Responsibility Report

On 9/15/10, The Hershey Company issued its first Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report. The report was launched on the anniversary of Milton S. Hershey's birthday, in commemoration of the company's legacy of responsible operation and of its commitment to continued progress. The CSR Report, outlines the company's priorities and sets goals for improvement in key areas.

"Our belief in the importance of CSR dates to the founding of our company more than 100 years ago," said David J. West, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Hershey Company. "Today, CSR is an integral part of our global business strategy. Our CSR efforts stretch from our headquarters and manufacturing facilities in Hershey, Pennsylvania, to our operations in countries such as Mexico and India, to the cocoa farming villages of West Africa. While we are proud of our accomplishments, including the contributions we make to children in need, we understand that much remains to be done."

Hershey's CSR Report outlines the company's priorities and programs in four areas:

  • Marketplace, which includes the company's commitment to fair and ethical business dealings;
  • Environment, which includes Hershey's environmental stewardship;
  • Workplace, which describes efforts to create a desirable workplace for Hershey's employees who contribute to Hershey's success; and
  • Community, which outlines Hershey's focus on making a positive difference in communities around the world.
Hershey's CSR Report outlines the company's accomplishments in these areas and sets measurable goals for future progress. For example, the company has decreased energy consumption by nearly 10 percent in its manufacturing and distribution facilities since 2008. Hershey, along with others in the industry working through the World Cocoa Foundation, has taken a proactive leadership role in promoting sustainable cocoa farming practices and increasing incomes for cocoa farming families. These programs have made a positive difference in the lives of 500,000 farming families over the past decade.
In developing its CSR report, Hershey applied the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, a widely used standard that provides a framework for reporting and, most importantly, tracking progress.  To read Hershey's Corporate Social Responsibility Report, go to


  1. I wonder if the CSR will become a "must-have" report with companies through-out the US and globally. It is wonderful that the Hershey Company was so far ahead of its time with their social responsibility. However, since it is now a competitive strategy and it is becoming almost a necessity for many industries.....will Hershey's history of being founded on this social resposibility remain a competitve advantage for them? Or will future generations be oblivious that the company was a pioneer in this respect?

  2. That's a good question you ask "Will the CSR become a must have report?" I was looking for social responsbility on the Internet tonight for Kroger (my company). While I found articles discussing Kroger's corporate social responsibilty and articles discussing how Kroger has been named as one of the the top 100 most socially responsible companies in America in the past, I was not able to find anything on if they actually have a CSR report like Hershey.
